Kad počnete unositi tekst u polje za pretraživanje, prikazat će vam se prijedlozi. Za pregledavanje se koristite strelicama na tipkovnici. Za odabir pritisnite „enter”. Ako ste odabrali izraz koji sadrži više riječi, algoritam za pretraživanje tražit će taj izraz. Ako je prijedlog poveznica, u pregledniku će se otvoriti ta stranica.

East Hanover, New Jersey

It's important for you to understand your local laws if you want to become an Airbnb host. We provide a platform and marketplace, but we don't provide legal advice. Even so, we want to share some info to help you understand laws and other rules that relate to short-term rentals in East Hanover, NJ. The information in this article isn't exhaustive, but it should help you start your research on local laws.

Long-term rentals

On October 5, 2020, the Township Council of East Hanover passed Ordinance No. 5-2020, which prohibits hosts from continuing to share their homes as short-term rentals. The ordinance was subsequently signed by the Mayor.

To learn how to share your home for 176 or more consecutive days, see how you can set both the maximum and minimum number of nights a guest can book. Local laws may differ from state laws regarding residential tenancies. We encourage you to review your local rules and regulations before accepting a long-term reservation. Find out more about long-term reservations.

Our commitment to your community

We are committed to working with local officials to clarify how local rules impact the short-term rental community. We will continue to advocate for changes that will enable people to rent out their homes.

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