Kad počnete unositi tekst u polje za pretraživanje, prikazat će vam se prijedlozi. Za pregledavanje se koristite strelicama na tipkovnici. Za odabir pritisnite „enter”. Ako ste odabrali izraz koji sadrži više riječi, algoritam za pretraživanje tražit će taj izraz. Ako je prijedlog poveznica, u pregledniku će se otvoriti ta stranica.

Korisni sadržaji za domaćine na Airbnbu

There are a lot of resources for Hosts, but where do you go for what? We can help.

The Help Center: Answers and info

The Help Center helps you get things done. Quickly understand the issues and learn about listing and account management tasks.

  • Get the answers to the most commonly asked questions about Airbnb products and services
  • Learn how to do everything you need to host, with step-by-step instructions
  • Find hosting standards and policies, plus other reference material

The Resource Center: Insights and inspo

The Resource Center provides more in-depth guidance, news, and inspiration to help you become an amazing Host. It goes into detail on topics including:

  • Setting up listings and improving your space
  • Pricing and communication strategies
  • Becoming a Superhost and more

If you can’t find what you’re searching for there, let us know: Click the Give feedback link on the Resource Center home page to request a new article.

The Community Center: Advice and experience

Sometimes, you just want to know what others think. The Community Center helps connect you with Airbnb Hosts around the world to share stories and support.

  • Ask questions or offer answers to common situations
  • Get advice on your listing, bookings, business and more
  • Start a conversation in the Community Cafe
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