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Dugoročni najam u New Yorku

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This page is specifically about long-term rentals in New York City. Check our responsible hosting page for New York City for information on short term rentals.

We’ve recently seen other markets experience growth in long-term rentals. In San Francisco alone, Airbnb long-term guest arrivals have increased by approximately 30 percent from 2017 to 2018. As a result, we believe long-term rentals could be a good option for hosts who depend on home sharing for income.

Within New York City, a long-term rental is defined as any booking that lasts 30 or more consecutive days.

Long-term rentals aren’t viable for every host, so you’ll need to make the best decision for yourself if you decide to host again. This article provides basic information that applies to hosts of long-term rentals in New York City. In addition, you can check our general information on long-term hosting or reach out to us directly if you have a specific question.

Table of contents

How to list a long-term rental

Here are the steps to set up your listing to host long-term:

  1. Check Manage listings for the listing you’d like to change to long-term
  2. Click on the Availability tab
  3. Click Edit next to the Trip length section
  4. Enter a value of 30 or more into the Minimum stay field (you can leave the Maximum stay field blank)
  5. Click Save

You can change your listing back to a short-term rental at any time. Simply follow the same steps but remove or reduce the value in your Minimum stay field.

Regulations for long-term rentals in New York City

Long-term rentals appear to be outside the scope of the the New York State Multiple Dwelling Law.

There are, however, a number of laws and other regulations that you should consider with regards to long-term hosting within city limits.

Business licensing

You may be required to obtain a special license or permit in New York. Check the City’s business portal, the City's business regulation finder, and the New York Administrative Code (see the ADC link under the Miscellaneous section) on New York State’s website for more information.

New York City Zoning Code

The New York City Zoning Code explains the city regulations on zoning, which may apply to your listing.

Rent control

Rent control is a special set of laws that includes limits on rent increases and eviction restrictions. Some local rent control laws may override state law. While many states or local jurisdictions do not have rent control, other laws may still protect tenants.

We recommend that you contact your local rent board, department of consumer affairs, attorney general, or other relevant agency to learn more about rent control, rent stabilization, and how these rules might impact long-term reservations. Check the New York Administrative Code rules (Section 26-501-26-520 for rent stabilized properties and Section 26-401-26-415 for rent controlled properties) and the New York City Rent Guidelines Board’s website for more information.


New York City and New York State impose multiple taxes that may apply to occupancy or tourist use, subject to certain exemptions. Examples of taxes that could apply to your listing are state sales and use tax, city hotel room occupancy tax, and State and City nightly room fees. Additional information is available on the New York State Department of Taxation’s website and on the City’s website.

Maximum number of listings

As of November 1, 2016, hosts in New York City are limited to listing one address within the city as a short-term rental. Hosts can have multiple listings at that address, but can’t have listings at different addresses. One exception includes long-term rentals, along with licensed hotels, B&Bs, or hosts who help other hosts with their responsibilities. If these scenarios apply to you, you can request a review of your listing.

If you qualify for one of the listed exceptions, you’ll still need approval before you can publish your new listing.

Legislative developments

Tenant status

Protections for hosts

Customer Service

In the unlikely event of an issue, you can contact our customer service team.

We provide customer service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in 11 different languages.

Million Dollar Host Guarantee

As a long-term rental host, you will still be protected by our Million Dollar Host Guarantee -- which covers listings for up to $1,000,000 USD in damage.

Host Protection Insurance

Our Host Protection Insurance provides additional protection against third party claims of property damage or bodily injury up to $1,000,000.

Other rules

It's also important to understand and abide by other contracts or rules that bind you, such as leases, condo board or co-op rules, HOA rules, or rules established by tenant organizations. Check your lease agreement or contact with your landlord, if applicable.

Last Updated: 12/18/18

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