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Pravni uvjeti

Uvjeti programa za pomoć članovima Airbnbove zajednice u Irskoj

These Airbnb Community Outreach Programme Terms ("Programme Terms") apply to the person to whom Airbnb Ireland ("Airbnb") addresses the invitation to participate in Airbnb’s Community Outreach programme ("you"). In consideration for Airbnb offering you the opportunity to participate in the Airbnb Community Outreach programme ("Programme"), and you agreeing to participate in the Programme, you and Airbnb hereby agree as follows:

  1. Term. Your participation in the Programme will commence on the date that you accept and agree to these Programme Terms and will last for a five (5) week period, unless terminated earlier by you or Airbnb for any reason or no reason immediately upon written notice (including by email) ("Term").

  2. Relationship. You acknowledge and agree that you are participating in the Programme on an entirely voluntary basis and at your own discretion. You will not be a contractor, employee, intermediary or agent of Airbnb and will not hold yourself out as, or give any person reason to believe, that you are a contractor, employee, intermediary or agent of any Airbnb entity, or authorised to represent or bind any Airbnb entity in any way. You will not create any materials (including name cards, websites or email addresses) that bear any Airbnb branding or that otherwise suggest or imply any affiliation or relationship between you and any Airbnb entity.

  3. No payment. You will not receive any payment or payment in kind in connection with your participation the Programme.

  4. Purpose. The sole purpose of your participation in the Programme is for you to contact inactive hosts on Airbnb and non-Airbnb users who have expressed an interest in hosting on Airbnb in the same city in which you are resident (together "Host Leads"), so that you can discuss your experience of hosting on Airbnb and answer any general questions that Hosts Leads have about hosting on Airbnb ("Purpose").

  5. Programme.

    5.1. From time to time during the Term Airbnb will contact you to confirm your availability to contact Host Leads. You are under no obligation to accept however, if you do confirm your availability, Airbnb will provide you with the name, email address and/or phone number of an agreed number of Hosts Leads ("Lead Data") in a secure format. Airbnb will also provide you with relevant background material and resources to help you explain hosting on Airbnb platform to Host Leads.

    5.2. During any contact that you have with the Host Lead, you agree to behave professionally and keep the discussion informal, factual, truthful and focused on the Purpose. If the Host Lead indicates that they do not want to continue the discussion, please politely and immediately discontinue the call. After your call please make a written note of the call including: the date that you made contact, what you discussed, whether the Host Lead was interested in hosting and/or went on to create a listing and whether the Host Lead indicated that they no longer wanted to be contacted ("Host Notes").

    5.3. You will not attempt to contact Host Leads more than once per day in the seven days after Airbnb sends you the Lead Data. If you do not manage to contact the Host Lead within seven days, you will notify Airbnb that the Host Lead was not contactable and not contact the Host Lead again.

    5.4. You agree to Airbnb contacting you after you have been given Host Data to get your feedback on the Host Lead. Please share your Host Notes and any additional relevant information with Airbnb.

    5.5. Airbnb only requests that you contact the Host Lead once. Any further contact between you and Host Lead after the first contact is entirely at your discretion and is outside the scope of the Programme. Any personal information that you provide to Airbnb in connection with your participation in the Programme is subject to the Airbnb Privacy Policy located here: https://www.airbnb.com/terms/privacy_policy. Any personal information that you choose to provide to the Host Lead is at your sole option and outside the Airbnb Privacy Policy.

  6. Lead Data. Airbnb shall be the data controller of the Lead Data and you will be a data processor. You will process the Lead Data only in accordance with Airbnb's instructions and otherwise in accordance with this Agreement. You will not share or disclose the Lead Data to any other person, and will put in place adequate technical and physical measures to protect the security, integrity, confidentiality and availability of Lead Data. You will immediately inform Airbnb if there is or you reasonably believe there to be any loss or unauthorised or unlawful access to the Lead Data.

  7. Confidentiality. For purposes of this Agreement, “Confidential Information” means: (i) any information, materials or knowledge regarding Airbnb and its business, financial condition, products, programming techniques, customers, suppliers, technology or research and development that is disclosed to you or to which you have access in connection with your participation in the Programme, (ii) the Lead Data and Host Notes and (iii) the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Confidential Information will not include any information that: (a) is or becomes part of the public domain through no fault of yours, (b) was rightfully in your possession at the time of disclosure, without restriction as to use or disclosure, or (c) you rightfully receive from a third party who has the right to disclose it. You agree to hold all Confidential Information in strict confidence, not to use it in any way, commercially or otherwise, except in connection with the Purpose, and not to disclose it to others. You further agree to take all actions reasonably necessary to protect the confidentiality of all Confidential Information. Upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement you will promptly deliver to Airbnb all Confidential Information in your possession or control.

  8. Compliance. You will comply at all times with all applicable laws and regulations, including all applicable anti-corruption laws, and you will not offer to pay or provide anything of value or otherwise provide any unlawful inducement to any person to list on the Airbnb platform or in connection with this Agreement. You acknowledge and agree that Airbnb Terms of Service, Community Guidelines and Privacy Policy apply to the Programme and, by participating in the Programme, you agree to comply with the Airbnb Terms of Service, Community Guidelines and Privacy Policy in connection with your participation in the Programme. Specifically, you will not harass, stalk or use defamatory or obscene language with anyone you come into contact with through the Programme.

  9. General. This Agreement and the Airbnb Privacy Policy are the entire agreement and understanding between you and Airbnb regarding your participation in the Programme. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Ireland and the Irish courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute arising out or in connection with this Agreement. This Agreement can only be amended or replaced by a written agreement signed by both parties.
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